The use of fish aggregation devices (planted or FADs) in purse seine tuna fisheries is an issue of common interest for all the Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (OROPs), and has become a relevant issue for a proper ordering. FADs are floating objects used by fishermen to attract tuna and facilitate their capture.

The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (CIAT), through Resolution C-16-01, encourages member countries to develop testing processes for non-entangling and biodegradable FAD, now called “NEDs” by Martin Hall (IATTC scientist), in order to reduce some impacts on the Marine ecosystem. Recently, CIAT resolution C-18-05 has already determined the mandatory use of non-entangled FADs in the entire EPO fleet as of January 2019.

For this reason, TUNACONS has been characterized as a Fisheries Improvement Project focused on the testing of “EcoFADs” with degradable materials as part of good responsible management for this fishery.

Taking advantage of the Knowledge Refresh Workshop dictated by the TUNACONS team to the crew that stopped work during this closure period, the progress made in the various initiatives carried out in the Eastern Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans was discussed. part of the CIAT scientific teams, as well as the ISSF, Azti Tecnalia, OPAGAC and TUNACONS to achieve the ideal “EcoFAD”.

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