Much of May was devoted to technical meetings to discuss tuna conservation issues. Meetings involving all Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (OROPs) and then internal to analyze turbans. The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (CIAT) a work plan presented by scientific staff was reviewed to strengthen the East Pacific tuna stock assessment model. It included the following recommendations: That IATAT staff continue collaboration with WCPFC in population assessments. Continue to work with IATI member countries to review data reporting, in terms of quantity and quality. That IATAT staff develop, and submit to the Committee, a schedule of alternative assessments, with baseline or up-to-date evaluations. That electronic monitoring (ME) initiatives implemented in the purse seiners that will improve the collection of data for the fleet, are also tested in the longline fleet. That information on Planting Form 09-2018 See. 2 be registered by the observer on seine vessels. The Plan is seen as a positive action to be able to have a robust analysis of the situational state of populations by 2020 and to see whether or not it is necessary to take on new conservation measures for tropical tuna. The catches on planted and breezes in recent years indicate that there has been no increase in fishing mortality from this type of lances. In the meantime, the tuna industry will continue to support technical work to reduce bycatch of juvenile tuna, as well as have a plant management strategy that helps ensure less impact on marine ecosystems. Working together for a healthy marine ecosystem, Tunacons.
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