The Tuna Conservation Group (TUNACONS) has made a strategic alliance with the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) with the signing of 2 Memorandum of Understanding, for scientific and technical cooperation in projects that strengthen the sustainable management of tuna populations in the EPO and for the implementation of a pilot test project of FADs built with degradable materials.

About the pilot project to develop degradable Plantados, several prototypes that meet the basic requirements of being non-entangled and degradable (NEDFADs or NEDs) will be tested and, to reduce their ecological impacts, they will not use nets (nor in the structure of flotation or raft neither in the submerged structure or tail, nor synthetic materials of any kind (except in [a satellite buoy and in the small marks that are used for identification of FADs), or chemicals that may be toxic in the environment (this It also refers to paints, gums, resins, and other glues. . Constructed with materials that come from a sustained production system, and that do not produce toxic or polluting substances when they decompose. . Durable, to cover the needs of fishing, which may vary according to the areas or strategies of the fleets. These can vary from 6 months in fisheries with important seasonal variations, up to 9 - 12 months or more in other cases.

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